Monday, October 15, 2012

Picture Book Idea Month

Do you ever feel that as a writer you're missin' somethin'?

Or motivation?

Or ideas?

Well, thankfully children's author Tara Lazar planned for this. November is the month where I will soothe my poor little soul by devouring pie. Oh no, it's not what you think. I will be devouring pumpkin pie after pumpkin pie according to tradition, but the kind of pie to which I am referring is actually: Pi-BoIdMo, also known as Picture Book Idea Month.

That's right folks. By participating in PiBoIdMo, in thirty days, I will be generating THIRTY ideas.

Do they have to be good?


Do they have to make sense?


BUT. Some of these measly little ideas could be great spring boards from which other more sensible ideas will bounce, hop, sprout, and grow...hopefully like weeds... pretty ones, maybe even edible, into wonderful and silly stories.

Now, if for some reason I feel doubty and pouty (which I have been known to do), I know that during this great month of "PIE" each day (that's right, EACH DAY) I will have a guest post just waiting to inspire my tushie to carry on, to put the pencil to the paper to... to...  to do just what I love to do: gush over kid lit with writer friends create stories for children.  Some of the best and most creative children's authors and illustrators will be cheering us fellow writers on, sharing stories of triumph and struggle, of feast and famine of writer's block and...unblock? 

And it is less than a month away. Yeesh. I can not wait.


  1. I'm ready to gobble up this event once again!! :D

  2. It shall be a feast! This will be fun to all do this together! I wonder how many of the CCs will be participating?!

  3. Yay for banana pie! er, for PiBoIdMo! My participation will be a bit sporadic this year, but I'll be revving up the ol' idea generator and seeing what happens.

    1. Oooooohhhh...banana pie. But of course! Sporadic is better than nothing! I sat on the sidelines last year, a piboidmo-ninja if you will, and I still benefited a great deal. I think this year will be really meaningful with all of the close realtionships that have been formed over the last few months, through 12 x 12. Can't wait!

  4. I'm right there with you, Elizabeth. Can't wait!

  5. Wa-hoo! You said it excellently! I can't wait either :)

  6. Have fun sprouting wonderful ideas! Love the pictures of you!

    1. Thanks Iza. I especially love the one with the flattering neck rolls. =) Will you be participating this year?

  7. Now I'm even more excited to begin PiBoIdMo!!!!

    1. Here is to another award winning ms from you Penny! =)

  8. You crack me up. I LOVE these pics. What in tarnation do I have to do to get you on NWR???? Not even one tiny little poem? Nothing? Let's put on our Carmen Miranda thinking turbans and figure it out!!!! Have your people call my people!

    1. Renee, the feeling is completely mutual. =) To get me on NWR? You would need to have gone through every rhyming fool in the entire universe, because even martains could create rhyme more inteligible than I could! Unless you wanted a rhymin' dino and truck rap....that is the only way I can rhyme...if I rap. =)
